Friday, February 25, 2011

Welcome 7th Grade Class to Art...

Hey Gang,

Welcome to my class.  By now you've attended my class for a few days.  The following is a brief re-cap of the latest events plus a link to PPT notes for review of your latest assignments.

Day 1.  Wednesday:
- Gave out Syllabus for Art Class info and orientation
- Three types of Respect (Respect is my one rule for the class).
         - Compliant, Conditional, and Relational respect.   (Compliant being the one we must use. 

Day 2.  Thursday: 
PPT - Line :  Line     PLUS:  Contrast   Emphasis

Line Terms:  Implied, Solid, Geometric, Organic, Texture, Heavy and Light (line weight).
Students are expected to use these in their still life drawing with their pencils. 

Still life drawing is due on Friday at end of class.

Day 3.  Friday: 
PPT - Line continued review. 
Students finish still life drawing and turn it in at end of class.

Score Guide:  for Still Life Drawing (assignment number 1.)
- Representational as you can make it
- Fill whole space of page
- Draw half of still life or less.  (Draw life size and it will work)
- Include all textures and details 
- Variety of line types and styles
- Do not shade (use line only).

Mr. Lile

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Assignments and due dates

Photography and Painting            8th
Proportions of the Portrait           8th

Hey Gang,

The links above are the same persentations we've looked at in class. 

The latest assignments and due dates are:
Feb.  15th - Neoclassical building designs were due ( a drawing that includes details, textures, patterns, 6 columns, etc of all four sides of your building). 

Feb. 17th - Abstract portrait is due.  Students are expected to use shape and color Contrast to create Emphasis on a small portion of the Portait they create.  
      - This lesson is inspired by the invention of photography and the freedom it gave to artists to create Abstract artwork that doesn't have to look real. 

Feb. 18th is your final exam. 

Feb. 21st - All artwork you've created in art class is due to be graded in a final portfolio Summative grade, and to be critiqued by your classmates. 

4.      EXT – Neutral Colored Abst. Portrait – Drawing

  10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the back.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
  20 Points
Students emphasis is very clearly distinguishable (i.e. artist makes me look at one area more than any other).
  15 Points
Color or Pattern Contrast with ONLY NEUTRAL COLORS, like brown, gray, black and white (complimentary colors with neutral colors and/or contrasting patterns inside each shape) to create their Emphasis
  10 Points
Student uses Contrast between shape and line styles to create their emphasis (i.e. geometric against organic shape) 
  10 Points
Features of the face are still very visible.  Student used them as part of the design by coloring them as different shapes with different colors instead of coloring them out. 
  15 Points
Face is in correct proportions
  10 Points
Uses all of the space provided on the page and in each image space (i.e. student places shapes and lines and various colors on the face as well as in the background).
  10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).

5.         EXT – Wacky Abstract Port – Drawing (FACE CAN BE OUT OF PROPORTION).

  10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the back.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
  20 Points
Students emphasis is very clearly distinguishable (i.e. artist makes me look at one area more than any other).
  20 Points
Color Contrast with Neutral or colors with temperature (complimentary colors or different color temperatures) to create their Emphasis
  15 Points
Student uses Contrast between shape and line styles to create their emphasis (i.e. geometric against organic shape) 
  15 Points
Features of the face are still very visible.  Student used them as part of the design by coloring them as different shapes with different colors instead of coloring them out. 
  10 Points
Uses all of the space provided on the page and in each image space (i.e. student places shapes and lines and various colors on the face as well as in the background).
  10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).

Friday, February 4, 2011

NeoClassical architecture (building designs) Sculpture and drawings

Hey Gang,

Here is the score guide (rubric) for the Neoclassical building model/sculpture.

7.      Neoclassical drawing plan/design (architecture)

  10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the Bottom.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
   20 Points
Work is drawn with detail as a sketch with a ruler showing all four sides of the buildings exterior.
   10 Points
Uses classical elements such as columns or arches to create a pattern. 6 at least
   15 Points
Uses modern architectural elements combined with classical to create a neoclassical design. 
   20 Points
Size is somewhere between 8.5 x10 or larger
   15 Points
Uses other elements of design like, texture, shape, and/or line to create patterns on the exterior.

   10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).

         - Neoclassical model (architecture)

  10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the Bottom.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
   10 Points
Work is either full colored paper, 3/D sculpture model of the building designed in students drawing.
   10 Points
Uses classical elements such as columns or arches to create a pattern.
   25 Points
Uses modern architectural elements combined with classical to create a combined design of a building that student has seen with the idea for the sculpture student create. 
   5 Points
Sculpture size should be in the range of 6'' x6'' to 10''x10'', and no bigger.  
   15 Points
Uses other elements of design like color, texture, shape, and/or line, and form to create patterns on the exterior.
   15 points
Create emphasis as part of your design.  This usually ends up being the colonnades of your model.
   10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).

Extentions to this can be a very detailed floor plan of your buildings interior, or the following.

          EXT - Neoclassical model (architecture)

  10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the Bottom.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
   10 Points
Work is either full color painting or drawing of students combination (Hybrid) building.
   10 Points
Uses classical elements such as columns or arches to create a pattern.
   25 Points
Uses modern architectural elements combined with classical to create a combined design of a building that student has seen with the idea for the sculpture student create. 
   5 Points
Paper size can be 18x12, or 12x9 inches.  
   15 Points
Uses other elements of design like color, texture, shape, and/or line to create patterns on the exterior.
   15 points
Create emphasis as part of your design.
   10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pattern and Influence of an Impressive Building...

Journal Entry today asks you to consider: "How much influence does an impressive building like a church or temple have on the person who steps inside and takes it all in?" 

What is influence, and can a building with ceremonial purposes also be used to persuade people?

We're continuing to DESIGN a Neoclassical structure with Ceremonial or Function Purpose.

Pattern is an essential part of a Neoclassical design, and is created with the different forms on and inside the building (i.e.  columns, windows, doorways, etc...)

PPT Link:  Pattern

Quiz # 3 is Friday, Feb 4th  (tomorrow).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quiz #3 this coming Friday

There is a quiz #3 this coming Friday.

It covers new and old material (from the very beginning of our six week period up to today. 

Use your syllobus and old quizzes as study guides, as well as PPTs we've seen in class.

Let me know if you have any Qs regarding any of the material .

Blessings, Mr. Lile

Paintings were due, Now onto Neoclassical sculptures (with paper)

Hey Gang,

Students turned in their Persuasive paintings yesturday (Tuesday, Feb. 1st, 2011) to be graded.  The focus of the paintings was on using subject matter, color, and exageration to persuade the audience to make some sort of change for the better in our world. 
PPTs to REVIEW:  -  Emphasis , Color ,
Persuasive Art of Early America   8th, and,
Purposes Of Art       

Now:  We're looking at creating a scupted Model of a Neoclassical Building, using Pattern to create Balance, harmony, and beauty (from Ancient Greek designs) and combine these with Modern or "Neo" design elements.    

PPTs -      Greek Architecture     and    
                Neoclassical Architecture              8th

Classical elements to remember:
Post and Lintel
Gabelled roof or sloped roof tops
Colonnades (rows of columns)
Balance, Harmony, Beauty

Actual examples of these scuptures can be found in my room, here and there. 

NOTE:   If you've seen this post, come to me if you're in my class and say the code word "Thomas Jefferson - Neo" for a reward.  :)