Welcome 7th Grade Class to Art...
Hey Gang,
Welcome to my class. By now you've attended my class for a few days. The following is a brief re-cap of the latest events plus a link to PPT notes for review of your latest assignments.
Day 1. Wednesday:
- Gave out Syllabus for Art Class info and orientation
- Three types of Respect (Respect is my one rule for the class).
- Compliant, Conditional, and Relational respect. (Compliant being the one we must use.
Day 2. Thursday:
PPT - Line : Line PLUS: Contrast Emphasis
Line Terms: Implied, Solid, Geometric, Organic, Texture, Heavy and Light (line weight).
Students are expected to use these in their still life drawing with their pencils.
Still life drawing is due on Friday at end of class.
Day 3. Friday:
PPT - Line continued review.
Students finish still life drawing and turn it in at end of class.
Score Guide: for Still Life Drawing (assignment number 1.)
- Representational as you can make it
- Fill whole space of page
- Draw half of still life or less. (Draw life size and it will work)
- Include all textures and details
- Variety of line types and styles
- Do not shade (use line only).
Mr. Lile