Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Schedule changed due to weather...

Hey Gang,

Please note a few changes and plan of action if anymore snow days occur.

Current changes:
Thursday Dec. 16th - is a studio work day (students finish any unfinished are in portfolios) instead of port folio critiques.

Friday Dec. 17th - Port Folios are due, and students will critique each others work this day while I grade them (in the commons area of the building).

Monday Dec 20th -  Review Game Day.


Friday Dec 17th  - Studio work day for students to finish incomplete work in port folios
Monday Dec 20th - Port Folios are due to be critiqued
Tuesday (tentatively) Dec 21st  -   Review Game Day

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Deadline Extended...(Neoclassical building sculpture)

Hey Gang,

In light of our students current situation with the sculptures they are creating of the "neoclassical building" I am extending the deadline to this Thursday (December 9th).  This is the absolute final deadline for the assignment, due to our time constraints.

The schedule, as a result, looks like this:

December 8th  -  Day for Review (?) and sculpting
Dec. 9th  -  Neoclassical Scultptures are due at end of class.
Dec 10th  -  Quiz # 4
Dec  13th  -  Students complete abstract portrait number one, and begin the Neutral colored Abstract portrait EXT to that assignment and/or work on any other assignments in their portfolio which are unfinished.
Dec.  14th  -   PortFolio completion day.
Dec.  15th   -  Final Exam
Dec.  16th  -  Portfolios are due at beginning of class (to be critiqued by students and graded by Mr. Lile).
Dec.  17th  -  Review Day (Games and/or Video). 

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday Quiz #3 - including Classical Greece and Neoclassical

Today: Friday, December 3rd, 2010,

We take quiz #3:   Ten questions long, and one bonus question.

Students have about ten minutes to stduy together if they like, and then take ten minutes to take the multiple choice quiz.

Have a Great weekend.

P. Lile

PS - The plan from here is to:  Dec 6th - 10th.

Monday - continue sculpting paper models of our neoclassical buildings.
Tuesday - Correct quiz 3, and complete neoclassical sculpture
Wednesday - Create Abstract portrait (like the cubism style of painting by Picasso).
Thursday - Abstract portraits are due, and students will create extensions to that portrait or finish any other Extensions from Portfolios
Friday - Quiz #4

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Change of Direction - To Classical Greece and Neoclassical Architecture

Hey Gang,

The 8th grade has had to change direction away from the Abstract Portraits and put them off until next week. 

This week (November 29th - December 3rd) we are learning where Neoclassical comes from, what it's made up of, and the values it reflects.

PPTs Links from MondayGreek Architecture   and   Greek Architecture 

PPT from Today:  -

(click the links above, and the link should apear.  Click it, and it will take you to the notes we viewed in class together.)  

Thursday students will be sculpting their neoclassical building designs with construction paper and glue. 

Today students were shown a demo regarding various forms which can be created with paper sculpting.

Study, study, study for the  quiz on Friday.  I'll be in full costume that day (as Bob Cratchet from "The Gospel According To Scrooge).  Should be interesting.

Mr. Lile

Shape      And     Form