Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Finally" :)

Hey Gang,

Sorry.  There will be no opting out of the final exam.  Everyone must take it.  Here are some study guide Qs for you to use as you study. 

-  What are the art PURPOSES of each artwork you've created in class.  How does that relate to your notes and the purposes that other CULTURES used art for?

-  How did you use elements of design to create the principles of design?  (ex.  color to create emphasis?)
-  How does using a vanishing point make an artwork more persuasive?
-  Why did Medieval artists barrow methods from the Renaissance (a movement that rejected Christian faith for science)?
-  What are the differences between the art media that you've used in my class for each artwork that you have created?
Remember also to use your syllabus and your old quizzes to guide you as well.  I can think of no better guide than your quizzes and corrections.

Blessings, Mr. Lile

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quiz #4 tomorrow...

Hey Gang,

Quiz #4 is tomorrow (Friday, March 25th). 

* However, if you can find the Code word and give it to me silently in writing on Friday, You can opt out of taking the quiz, and recieve a 100% instead for using my Blog. :)

Mr. Lile

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Three Dimensional Name Poster/Design

Hey Gang,

This next assignment borrows the drawign technique called "One Point Perspective" from the Renaissance in the same way Medieval Artists borrowed these techniques to create your next image/design.

The following is the score guide for your Name design, as well as the Extension (if you get that far):
6.      3/D Name poster – Medieval Art drawing (one point 0erspective)

 10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the back.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
 10 Points
One half inch border around the perimeter (colored or left blank).
 10 Points
Name must be centered in the space (Not bunched on one side, but even margins on right and left of the letters).
 10 Points
Student uses blocked letters (letters wider than a single line).
 10 Points
Warm colors on face of letters and cool colors in the back ground
 10 Points
Student creates a pattern in the back ground spaces
 10 Points
Letters show 3/D sides with lines from corners of letters leading to a SINGLE VANISHING POINT.
 10 Points
Neutral colors or cool colors on the vanishing sides of the letters.
 10 Points
Drawing/painting is complete and student took time to color each portion of the drawing completely, not rushed or sloppily done.
 10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).

EXT – One Point Perspective

10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the back.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
 10 Points
Include three buildings with at least three windows each (not just on the front). 
 15 Points
Road and other subject matter must appear to vanish back into space (Using a single vanishing point).  
 15 Points
Very detailed, textures, siding on buildings, blades of grass, etc…
 15 Points
Three trees or plants in each area of space (i.e.  one in foreground, one in background, and one in mid-ground).
 15 Points
Use color to create a 3/D Perspective (warm colors in foreground and cool in the background.
10 Points
Drawing/painting is complete and student took time to color each portion of the drawing completely, not rushed or sloppily done.
 10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).

Follow This Link if you want a step by step: 

Blessings, Mr. Lile

Monday, March 21, 2011

Medieval/Renaissance Art and links to PPTs in class this week.

Hey Gang,

Here are the links to the PPTs we've been using and looking at today (as well as for tomorrow and Wednesday). 

Medieval Perspective   
Medieval Architecture              
Perspective Drawing              
3/D and Block Lettering

Blessings, Mr.  Lile

CODE WORD:   "David and Goliath"  (for Quiz 4)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Paintings Due Today and next....

Hey Gang,

Your narrative paintings are due at the end of class today (March 17th, Thursday, 2011).

If you behind, view the score guide on the past posts on this blog to know what is expected in this painting.

We're introducing the idea of One Point Perspective Drawing Technique today.  Please review the links (focusing your attention to Medieval Perspective, Perspective Drawing, and to 3/D and Block Lettering:

Medieval Perspective               7th    
Medieval Architecture             7th    
Perspective Drawing                 7th
3/D and Block Lettering           7th
The Renaissance                       7th

Our next assignment is going to be to create a One point perspective , 3/D image of your name for an expressive design that uses the vanishing point technique to make the letters in your name apear to be "going back into space." 

*  Quiz number three is tomorrow. 
Study:  One Point Perspective from today, Art Purposes, Medium/media, Line types and styles, as well as color mixing and the color theory of the color wheel.

Mr. Lile

Friday, March 11, 2011

Quiz #2 Today

Friday, March 11th, 2011

Quiz #2 is today.  Qs regard line and it's various types and styles, uses for line, as well as color mixing, theory, and relationships (i.e.  complimentary colors, Emphasis with color contrast, color mixing, etc...), and the idea of proportions being true to life is representational. 

Essential review:
Color, Contrast, Emphasis, Purposes of Art, and Line (PPTs listed in past posts this six weeks) .


Narrative Paintings are due Thursday, March 17th, 2011, at the end of class.

Monday, March 7, 2011

This Weeks' Connections...

Hey Gang,

Here are some Big Idea Qs for you to maximize your understanding of what to remember and study.

1.  How did the Ancient Egyptians use Narrative artwork in their culture?
2.  What did it have to do with their culture?  Did they use them to teach?
3.  How?
4.  How is the "Culture" of Graves County, Kentucky different?
5.  Do we use Narratives for similar reasons?  What are some examles?

Ancient Egypt       

Students are expected to use color contrast as well as size contrast to Emphasize the main charactors of the Narratives you create. 

With your color mixing, the technique you are to use is called "Glazing."  This is when the artist uses layers of colors you can see through to make new color.  
       - An examle would be to paint yellow on top of pure blue to create green (instead of mixing the colors in a pallet or tray first.  The colors are mixed by layering them directly onto the paper.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Clay Functional Objects... FORM & PATTERN 7th Grade...

Hey Gang,                                                                                         Feburary 28 - March 4th, 2011

This Tuesday we created a 3/D Form.  

Goal, use the Ceramic medium of Clay, to create a functional object while engraving lines into the surface to create a Pattern with those lines/textures.

PPT- Form  and  Pattern

Wednesday and Thursday:  We looked at Ancient Egypt and made some discoveries regarding:

 "How they used Narrative art." 

PPT -  Ancient Egypt     Plus:  PPT - Contrast   and    Emphasis

Narrative Painting: Score Guide:
Narrative – Painting

5 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the back.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
 30 Points
Image (s) tells a story (i.e. a  Narrative).

 15 Points
Painting (and/or other colors) must be as real and detailed as student can make it (i.e. NOT ABSTRACT on purpose by the student).
 15 Points
Include and Emphasize Characters in the story using color contrast.  
 15 Points
Uses all of the space provided on the page and in each image space.
 10 Points
It is clear that student mixed colors to make other colors (like was demonstrated in class).
10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).