Thursday, May 12, 2011


Friday May 13:  Quiz 3 and maybe some time to finish Abstract Portrait.
Monday:  Studio Art work day (Abstract Portraits are due at end of class)
Tuesday:  NO CLASSES
Wednesday: Final Exam
Thursday:  Portfolios are due and will be critiqued by students in class.
Friday: Review Game

Monday: Video / Review Activities

Notes for Quiz #3 and schedule

Hey Gang,

Lately we've been making up for lost time. 

Your next official Portfolio assignment (after the Persuasive Painting) is the Abstract (Cubist) Portrait.

However, some of you have begun and should finish the Neoclassical Building design drawing on paper as an extension for your portfolio

So, the order of assignments is as follows:
1.  Still Life Drawing
2. Persuasive Painting
3.  EXT - Neoclassical Building Design (only for those who started it).
4.  Abstract Portrait.
5.  Clay Mask

The recent notes you'll be quizzed on tomorrow (Friday, May  13th) are the following:

Neoclassical Architecture     
Proportions of the Portrait    
Purposes Of Art      (regarding different types of buildings, as well as paintings by art of early Americans)

Blessings, Mr. Lile

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Notes and Quiz #2

Hey Gang,

I'm planning on keeping Quiz # 2 in the rotation the Friday.  So in order for you to prepare, please review the following notes in the links below:

Color and  Emphasis
Persuasive Art of Early America 


Purposes Of Art        

Mr. Lile