Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Three links for the final stretch...

1.  http://www.graves.k12.ky.us/schools/GCMS/plile/Medieval%20Art%20and%20perspective.ppt

2.   http://www.graves.k12.ky.us/schools/GCMS/plile/Perspective%20Drawing%20Renaissance.ppt

3.   http://www.graves.k12.ky.us/schools/GCMS/plile/Block%20and%20Thee%20Dimensional%20Letters.ppt

These are links regarding the latest drawing assignment that you may have had to take home.  Use them as a quide if you need to. 

Mr. Lile

Corrections for Quiz 3.

Bellow are the answers in sentence form that you can copy to do your corrections (for extra grade) this time.  The formatt is the same as always.  Remember to only copy the items that you missed from Quiz 3.

1.         A clay or “ceramic bowl, cup, sculpture is an example of a 3/D FORM.

2.         A ceramic bowl with an image on the side that tells a story is made for both functional and narrative        purpose.

3.         Orange is a warm color, and can be used (painted onto objects) to make that object appear closer to the             viewer.

4.         Violet and yellow are color complements (opposites).  They are on opposite sides of the color wheel.

5.         One point perspective is a very scientific technique used to create true perspective in an image.

6.         In order to make an abstract portrait, the artist will use geometric shapes and line to make the face         instead of organic.

7.         When you mix color complements you will make brown or gray.
8.         Clay is mostly used to make functional art (ceramics).

9.         Red, yellow, and blue are primary colors.

10.       To create a deep looking space, an artist can use a vanishing point as a guide to narrow objects as they go back to the horizon.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Art/design, Math, and Science...

Hey Gang,

Yesterday (October 19th, 2010) we learned a mathmatical formula an artist would use by hand to "center" a "Block Letter Word Design" which looks something like the following:

1.   Decide the number of letters in your design.   = Three

2.   Measure Your work space on your paper.  =  8.5" (tall) x 11" (wide).

3.  Subtract one whole inch ( to compensate for the half-inch border around the perimiter of your paper).  This should leave you with 7.5" x 10."

4.  Divide the number of letters in your design into the inches wide of your actual work space (10").  The answer tells you how wide each letter of your design can be, without being too large for the space on your paper.

We also practiced doing some block lettering.  This was demonstrated by drawing a box each letter will be placed in first.  The box equals the overall dimensions of the letter itself.   Click the link below to see more. :)


Monday, October 18, 2010

Medieval and Renaissance....The Next Chapter (Unit)

Monday, Oct 18th, 2010
Mr. Lile 

Seventh Grade is Connecting Science with art and Culture:

We look at the developement of the Renaissance through the middle to the end of the Medieval Art movement. 
                 - Causes for the Renaissance movement to begin
                 - How the Christians adapted their art style to match the
                    Renaissance style, using "ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE."
                 - What the Essence of the Renaissance was, and how it
                     changedart and culture forever.
                 - DaVini's "The Last Supper" was a prime Master Peice from
                    the time when Medieval and Renaissance overlapped in time.

Vocabulary:      Movement, Balance, Perspective, Emphasis and Science.

Seventh Grade Assignment: is below.

6.      3/D Name poster – Medieval Art drawing (one point 0erspective)
 10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the back.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
 10 Points
One half inch border around the perimeter (colored or left blank).
 10 Points
Name must be centered in the space (Not bunched on one side, but even margins on right and left of the letters).
 10 Points
Student uses blocked letters (letters wider than a single line).
 10 Points
Warm colors on face of letters and cool colors in the back ground
 10 Points
Student creates a pattern in the back ground spaces
 10 Points
Letters show 3/D sides with lines from corners of letters leading to a SINGLE VANISHING POINT.
 10 Points
Neutral colors or cool colors on the vanishing sides of the letters.
 10 Points
Drawing/painting is complete and student took time to color each portion of the drawing completely, not rushed or sloppily done.
 10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

FINISH NARRATIVE PAINTINGS - using glazing technique

October 11th and 12th (Monday and Tuesday) : 7th GRADE STUDENTS...

Today and yesterday, students are developing colors with paint on the NARRATIVE Paintings.

The color mixing technique students are to use is called "Glazing." 

Glazing:  layering one color (slightly see-through) on top of another to make a new one.  An example of this is painting blue on top of the existing yellow in order to make green.  This works when painting "wet onto wet" or "wet onto dry." 

The Purpose of the Painting is:  NARRATIVE (for seventh grade). 

Students should be studying, but there is NO QUIZ THIS COMING FRIDAY.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Quiz #2 Today (October 1st, 2010)

Students are being quizzed today.  The questions on each quiz go all the way back to the beginning of the six week period they are with me. 

Questions (except for the bonus question) are all multiple choice, and there are 10 of them.

Topics:  Color (color categories, mixes and relationships like complementary and similar or analogus), art media, art purposes, line types and variety, Contrast, Emphasis, and Movement.

Have a great Fall Break!  We'll correct this quiz together after the break as well as finish our Narrative Paintings.