Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Narrative Paintings (Based on art of Ancient Egypt)

Below is a score GUIDE.   It is not an exact science, but is used to determine the grade students will earn for this artwork.

The work is to be a story that is commonly known, published, etc.   Students brainstormed a list with partners in the room of stories they can choose from. 
The stories can be secular, religious, fiction, or histories, depending on what the student wishes to do.

I'm seeing some great things happening in their work.  They're doing a sketch and then an final copy drawing that will be painted. 

The due date is Wednesday after Fall Break.

Narrative – Painting
10 Points
Sign Name, Date, Class Period, and Purpose on the back.
(Ex. :  “John Smith, 4-25-07, 4thA, Purpose is Decorative”)
 30 Points
Image (s) tells a story (i.e. a  Narrative).

 10 Points
Painting (and/or other colors) must be as real and detailed as student can make it (i.e. NOT ABSTRACT on purpose by the student).
 15 Points
Include and Emphasize Characters in the story using color contrast.  
 15 Points
Uses all of the space provided on the page and in each image space.
 10 Points
It is clear that student mixed colors to make other colors (like was demonstrated in class).
10 Points
Students work is neat and clean (i.e. no tears, creases or stains).


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